Migrate wordpress to hugo
Wordpress 에서 hugo로 이사한 후 첫번째 시도. Hugo theme은 harbor를 사용하고, site 호스팅 방법은 nginx docker를 사용. (이상하게 nginx를 helm으로 띄우는 게 간단하지 않네)
Clone repogistry for raw blog data cychong15:migration_to_hugo cychong$ git clone https://github.com/cychong47/sosa0sa.git Cloning into 'sosa0sa'... warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository. Setup hugo inside of the git repository cychong15:migration_to_hugo cychong$ hugo new site sosa0sa Error: /Users/cychong/workspace/migration_to_hugo/sosa0sa already exists and is not empty. See --force. cychong15:migration_to_hugo cychong$ hugo new site sosa0sa --force Congratulations!