
Migrate wordpress to hugo

Wordpress 에서 hugo로 이사한 후 첫번째 시도. Hugo theme은 harbor를 사용하고, site 호스팅 방법은 nginx docker를 사용. (이상하게 nginx를 helm으로 띄우는 게 간단하지 않네) Clone repogistry for raw blog data cychong15:migration_to_hugo cychong$ git clone Cloning into 'sosa0sa'... warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository. Setup hugo inside of the git repository cychong15:migration_to_hugo cychong$ hugo new site sosa0sa Error: /Users/cychong/workspace/migration_to_hugo/sosa0sa already exists and is not empty. See --force. cychong15:migration_to_hugo cychong$ hugo new site sosa0sa --force Congratulations!

NGNIX for service mesh

NGINX Releases Microservices Platform, OpenShift Ingress Controller, and Service Mesh Preview NGNIX also join for service mesh bandwagon? NGNIX Application Platform NGINX Plus, the commercial variant of the popular open source NGINX web server. NGINX Web Application Firewall (WAF) NGINX Unit, a new open source application server that can run PHP, Python and Go NGINX Controller, a centralised control plane for monitoring and management of NGINX Plus Additional release a Kubernetes Ingress Controller solution for load balancing on the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform an implementation of NGINX as a service proxy for the Istio service mesh control plane.