Amdocs Preps 'Carrier-Grade' Version of ONAP

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From Amdocs Preps ‘Carrier-Grade’ Version of ONAP | Light Reading(

“We’re just about to make a big carrier [and] enterprise grade release of ONAP,” Angela Logothetis, VP and CTO of Amdocs Open Network, told Light Reading

Logothetis says that Amdocs is working with Intel Corp. (Nasdaq: INTC) on edge computing proofs-of-concept. This involves understanding what content and data needs to cached and where exactly that should happen on the network.

Amdoc 이 MEC에 관심을 갖고 있다. 어떤 의미일까? MEC에 올라가는 SW에 대한 platform을 제공하려는 걸까?

“That’s an easy place to start,” Logothetis suggested, while noting the irony that standards around the 5G core are probably the “least defined” of the next-gen specification, because the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) typically focuses on the radio access network (RAN).

ONAP Use case(in Amsterdam release) 는 Core 기반의 서비스가 많다고. 5G는 RAN에 대한 내용이 많은데. Core 기반으로 ONAP use case를 하기 쉬운 이유가 뭘까?

Logothetis says that amongst the next important task for the ONAP Project, which now numbers nearly 20 major global service providers and vendors among its members, is to understand AI. “The next interesting thing that comes around is artificial Intelligence and machine learning, which is new for all of us,” she said.

역시 관심은 AIML 겸손(?)하게 자신들을 포함한 많은 SP들에게 새로운 분야라고.

The company is also looking at cloud RAN, which involves having virtualized basestation control functions running at the data center controlling distributed radioheads at the cellsite, and virtualized RAN. V-RAN involves “disaggregation” of the radio network, with some antenna functions eventually being run on white boxes at the cellsite.

VRAN에 대해 Amdocs는 어떤 관심을 갖고 있는 걸까? Control function의 base를 ONAP으로 구현하려고? 아니면 Data center와 cell site등에 퍼져있는 다양한 장비를 관리하는 management system을 ONAP으로 만들려고?

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